Post by Seam Daigon on Mar 30, 2014 23:01:23 GMT
1) Please respect fellow board members and their opinion. Generally, we will not tolerate any sort of trolling or bashing.
2) Avoid at all costs anything that could be described as SPAM (Stupid, Pointless, Annoying messages). These are messages that provide no useful information or that we would be be better off without.
3) Profanity is allowed, keep it in reason and context, and do not say anything racist or of the sort.
4a) Always explain why you post something so other members won't have to ask.
4b) Try to make sense when posting messages so other members are able to understand what you're trying to say. Giving a good answer to a question is better than telling the person you don't know a thing about it.
5) No discussion of obtaining illegal software or things closely related to that.
6) Reviving of topics older than one month is now allowed, but only if it is justified, providing new and/or useful information. Keep in mind most topics become dead because there is nothing left to discuss - think carefully about whether your post will actually add to the thread.
7) Please do not 'forum-chat' in any way.
8) There must be nothing obscene. Use your judgement for signature sizes in terms of dimension and file size. Do not be alarmed when your signature and/or avatar is removed -- ask the moderator responsible if you feel it's unjustified.
9) Excessive use of images will not be tolerated. This means posting a huge amount of pictures from other websites, using a lot of smilies or stuffing up your signature with images.
10) No advertising of other websites or forums through the creation of new topics or by replying to other messages. Use your signature space for those matters.
11) One account per user.
12) In the case of a post violating a rule (especially trolling, revived topics, bot topics etc) users are to asked not post onto it but instead report the post to a Moderator or Administrator.
These rules have been used in Golden Sun Realm for years ( and credit goes to them for having well tempered set of rules.
1) Please respect fellow board members and their opinion. Generally, we will not tolerate any sort of trolling or bashing.
2) Avoid at all costs anything that could be described as SPAM (Stupid, Pointless, Annoying messages). These are messages that provide no useful information or that we would be be better off without.
3) Profanity is allowed, keep it in reason and context, and do not say anything racist or of the sort.
4a) Always explain why you post something so other members won't have to ask.
4b) Try to make sense when posting messages so other members are able to understand what you're trying to say. Giving a good answer to a question is better than telling the person you don't know a thing about it.
5) No discussion of obtaining illegal software or things closely related to that.
6) Reviving of topics older than one month is now allowed, but only if it is justified, providing new and/or useful information. Keep in mind most topics become dead because there is nothing left to discuss - think carefully about whether your post will actually add to the thread.
7) Please do not 'forum-chat' in any way.
8) There must be nothing obscene. Use your judgement for signature sizes in terms of dimension and file size. Do not be alarmed when your signature and/or avatar is removed -- ask the moderator responsible if you feel it's unjustified.
9) Excessive use of images will not be tolerated. This means posting a huge amount of pictures from other websites, using a lot of smilies or stuffing up your signature with images.
10) No advertising of other websites or forums through the creation of new topics or by replying to other messages. Use your signature space for those matters.
11) One account per user.
12) In the case of a post violating a rule (especially trolling, revived topics, bot topics etc) users are to asked not post onto it but instead report the post to a Moderator or Administrator.
These rules have been used in Golden Sun Realm for years ( and credit goes to them for having well tempered set of rules.